Choosing the right mobile phone plan for your family

Features of our family phone plans
There's a lot for the whole family to love about our phone plans. Here's a sneak peak.
Stay connected on Australia's most trusted network
Never miss a 'can you drop my homework to school' text message. With an Everyday Mobile from Woolworths plan, you will have peace of mind thanks to 4G and 5G coverage from Telstra.
No more fighting over data
If you have a teenager who loves gaming, you will know all about data complaints. Enjoy the peace and harmony that comes with Data Gifting. You can gift up to 50% of your included data to other family members who need (or want!) it more. It's a great way to ensure everyone's data needs are met. That also means if you are running low on data, a generous child or spouse can help you out. Share the love, share the data.
Keep in touch wherever you are
If you're a parent who travels overseas for work or leisure, you can keep in touch with unlimited international calls and SMS to 22 selected destinations on our $25 and above Prepaid plans. This is also a useful feature for when the kids get a bit older and start travelling the globe themselves. From exchange trips to gap years, you'll be able to hear all about their adventures from the other side of the world.
It's just easier!
Whether you've got one child or a Brady Bunch, managing everyone's plans is super easy with the Everyday Mobile from Woolworths app. It's so simple, you can monitor your kids' usage while you wait for them at school pick-up.
Mobile phone plans for seniors
If you are a senior or are assisting an older family member in finding a phone plan, a 5G SIM only plan could be a suitable option. This type of plan is ideal for people who wish to keep their existing handset and not upgrade it regularly. Depending on the amount of data needed, a Long Expiry plan is also a viable option for seniors as the plan does not need to be topped up every month.
For more reasons to love our family plans, check out our Why Us page.
FAQs about family mobile plans
What should I consider when choosing family mobile phone plans?
Price, coverage and data are all things to weigh up before you choose a phone plan for the whole family. If you are a parent who travels a lot for work, international texts and calls may also be a factor to take into account.
How do I monitor data usage of my family members?
You can check your data usage at any time by logging in to the My Account portal or by using the Everyday Mobile from Woolworths app. Once logged in, simply select Usage History.
How do I switch my mobile phone number to Everyday Mobile from Woolworths?
You can port your existing mobile phone number to Everyday Mobile from Woolworths. Simply select this option as part of the activation and signup process.
Can I purchase an International Roaming add-on?
Yes, absolutely! You can purchase an add-on by logging into My Account or by selecting 'Add-ons' in the Everyday Mobile from Woolworths app. View our International Roaming Add-ons page for more information.
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